

In the seventies, I lived a few years in New York, USA. I have crossed several countries’ cultures and languages. But It was there  (also in Southern California) where I felt most at home because of the sense of freedom. My accent made no difference to them. They are not a heterogeneous country and culture, as the Europeans prefer to believe in their ignorance. In fact, at the moment, they are quite divided. Somebody from Maine, New England and another from Southern California don’t share much in common. And the feeling of the two places is very different. What characterized them for me was a unique sense of FREEDOM—accompanied, of course, by an often sense of subtle danger. Yes, they are armed. In my opinion, they give so much freedom for our psychospiritual retarded ages that unavoidably, some cuckoos will no doubt act that freedom out. They are not very fond of bureaucratically securing «law and order», as we do in Europe.

Taken from South China Morning Post
Taken from South China Morning Post


It is very simple, the Separation of our mind from that of the Divinity, created a very damaged form of intelligence -and vastly reduced our awareness which is the HUMAN SELF. Masculine in particular -but not unique.

The part that functions as an information system is full of errors -mostly narcissistically-based. We went from being extensions of God’s mind into little «gods» under the pathetic assumption that:

«Two Gods is a crowd; if there is only one God it is ME» -the basic psychospiritual premise under which the macho-self functions. A monumental lie! Also called «The Transcendental Error of the Mind.» And Mr. T. finds himself precisely under repetition of that injunction. Please understand! How is he going to accept that there are now two gods, HE AND MR BIDEN, aspiring to the god’s job? I fear we are too demanding!

Mr. T. is a unique living example of that narcissistic derangement -who under the proper historical, social etc. star-alignment in a given proto-democracy, got elected to top power. it is HIS, can you not comprehend? Anybody thinking that he would easily and graciously transfer his power to another god-aspirant, even if better-intentioned if losing an election, was extremely naive about the nature of the male-self, both male and female. (not his wise nice Mary! -as Clinical Psychologist, she knows how sick he is and from what emotionally sick family he sprouted!)

He did not lack fanatic followers from either side!

Like liches, narcissists,  live from the admiration of others. «Love» (often confused with «sex» is one more «weakness» for them! -like in: «grabbing them by the pussy»)

But the self, «ME,» is not an autonomous, independent entity -far from -it is basically dysfunctional without the support of the Deity. But, Macho-Man does not accept that -because he feels it degrades his tough-man, macho standing. So, we look for support wherever we can, like in doctrines and ideologies; to say nothing from «inferiors» -and love? Well; that from our children and pets (which provide plenty) will do!

Mr. T. and his followers are a most cartoonesque portrayal of narcissistic hyper-masculinity leaching-exacting, continuous admiration from others to survive. If they sense or suspect that you no longer admire them, like in «disagreeing» -under the bus you go!

Too macho, too much «cojones» (balls) to carry a mask  -don’t you understand sister?

P.D. To clarify: I am not just saying that Mr. Trump’s mind is «insane» -that would not be fair. I am saying that, as a life-long student of the human mind, my experiential conclusion is that the Separation has rendered de facto insane the human mind. A hard to swallow proposition for all of us! But until we do there will be not peace on earth.

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