The abortion of the self


ALT JOAQUIN SOUSA POZA-For quite a while, -I have had the intuition that –what is evolving is not bodies, matter; upon which male-mind thinking is fixated because to understand beyond it, like to ratify the existence of experience would be dangerous to His Majesty. -But the experience of consciousness, awareness—the supreme form of intelligence is fundamental to the survival of our species. Yes, I know, I have no «proof» -in the Western Science sense, but what I say is not new! – Einstein considered intuition one of his highest intellectual faculties.- Matter is just a vehicle that we have glorified out of self-serving convenience in our narcissistic search for POWER.

What we are following is the process of recovering what we lost at the Separation. As I said somewhere else, ‘the body is an excuse for having a brain, and the brain is an excuse to reach the experience of awareness’ during the incarnation. -The ‘natural bardo’ of the Buddhists; the state of consciousness linked to a body.

«Here» -in our current state of consciousness, we are -or should be, not inured to the process of gaining POWER at all costs to enhance our ego -to the extent of  «making billions.» Nor to ‘become somebody’ at the cost of the misery of the poor. But to recover what we lost at the Separation -while we take due care of our physical needs and our planet -while regaining the  «No-Suffering» state by becoming One with the mind of the Creator -As sages of all ages have proclaimed! Because the Separation has rendered our mind utterly unstable -thus the suffering. -An instability at the root of our anxiety, insecurity and most of our other mental-emotional suffering. A basket case! Like Afghanistans, past, present and future. They are not reflections of the inevitability of being human, but of the insane state of the male self following the Separation about which male mind Psychiatry has nothing to say. Each time I see in-depth the state of mind, the suffering damage of a brother or sister, I wonder how our world functions at all! but that we don’t want to see! No, the libido or our psychochemistry will do! What a suicidal charade for everybody to see!

What is evolving is the unavoidable process of regaining consciousness towards the Reunion with God’s mind -to which, like it or not, we belong. This concept is not new at all; but, of course, anathema to male thinking. -Because His Majesty does not accept anything superior to Himself, and you don’t make money and achieve more and more «POWER» with that endeavour.  And we are unaware that we are in a permanent if fruitless, destructive effort to compete with the Creator’s power. You acquire terrestrial POWER by manipulating matter-energy and selling articles and services at a greater price than it cost to you.

YES, WE LIVE IN THE «ERA OF THE MERCHANT»as I stated in my WEB PAGE. -To say nothing of gloriously bloody WARS. («Let it be a macho-man on horseback in each significant city of the world» as a homage to his ineffable greatness!).

And our misery, our Iraks and Afghanistans continue as part of our Permanent Little Battle for supremacy over God, our Number One Enemy to this very day. Because we chose to «separate» and compete with Him! But it never worked. You are just a failed god, -brother- at the cost of becoming, too often, an unmitigated fratricidal assassin! It does not matter how big a hat and adornments you wear and the number of medals on your chest! and statues in your ‘honour’.  As it happens, you are the greatest obstacle to that natural evolutive process towards increased awareness of our intimate relationship to the Deity.  A false, fake pretender to His throne.

There is no discontinuity between our psychology and our spirituality -as we pretend there is!  We keep unaware of the presence of the mind of God at bay -with precisely the exact mechanism of defence, neurotics keep damaging news for their selves away, out of consciousness (like «my mother did not love me»): Defensive Exclusion. You are terrified by the ever-accumulating evidence of the falsity of your fabricated self. If you are still aware you have one…

Under the «Two Gods, He and I is a crowd» rule,  -God is the greatest threat to our narcissistic godship. It has to be kept out of consciousness! That prevents potentially hurting information to the self by not permitting it to reach full consciousness and injuring the self (like ‘no you are not God’). A case of too much grandiosity and too little humility?

Be it god-the-American with its «Weapons of Mass Destruction» excuse to invade Iraq; god-by-proxy the Afghan; god-more-cruel the Taliban. Or god-still-more-crazy the ISIS. Same dogs with different degrees of crazy-collars (minds)! And yes! you all have various rationalizations to be the «right» one! Let’s then fight and fight and fight to earn or preserve our supremacy! Hear me China? Hear me America? What excuse this time; Taiwan anybody?

For You, Great brother, are the greatest deviation-obstacle to the natural evolution of awareness there is. And your technoscientific achievements ARE NOT  a substitute for your ever-increasing lack of self-awareness, of self-knowledge, Of sanity! While your weapons ‘improve’ their destructive capacity; As I said somewhere else: «The toys are getting bigger but the boys aren’t getting wiser!’

Awareness of the existence of God is the primary threat to the masculine self, forcefully repressed by Defensive Exclusion. Although some psychedelics, under certain circumstances, can overrun it and give you a momentary, partial glimpse of the Deity.

 The cost of this male mind-centred missevolution?

 -The current catastrophic events are at the root of the monumental amounts of «unprofitable suffering.» (in contrast to the suffering of the mystic or wisdom-seeker of self-knowledge; though, yes, primum vivere, deinde philosophary ?). You confuse information with knowledge and alloplastic know-how in modifying the outer environment with autoplastic wisdom, self-knowledge.

 The proof?

Read the daily news that conveniently does not account for the inner suffering -because the male mind does not respect what should be the Science of  Experience Because it is beyond and above matter and therefore a threat. And not amenable to the scientific method. Yet, what is ‘life’ other than a series of experiences perhaps in a stochastic sequence, 1-2-3-etc dictate to some extent 4-5-6 and keep counting, what the Buddhists name «Bardos.» (meaning: ‘in-between’). Life is the «Natural» one.

No; Macho-man hates what should be the Science of Experience because he knows that it holds extremely unpleasant surprises for his godship. Instead,  he rather ‘bites the bullet and swallows the tears!’ and leads us to the precipice. But, oh no, his majesty falls short of owning anything. Like Afghanistan? Allergic to the truth; living off a false self that he is? Because, like a good-god the narcissist, he is jealous of his ‘prestige’ to death. And his prestige and reality don’t often match. So, there we go? To devastation and dying again, your Majesty?

What an undiagnosed basket case! It is not surprising that:

«Societies that treat women badly are poorer and less stable»

(The Economist. International Sep. 11th 2021 Edition)

Oh yes, history proves you are certifiable insane brother! But you, among other things, control Psychiatry! let’s face it: macho hypermasculinity IS AN UNRECOGNIZED -IF ENDEMIC- MENTAL DISORDER!

-So much for male-mind psychiatry watching the sordid spectacle but mute in all accounts; Looking for the next magic pill. -Or billionaires feeling more or less immune because they will buy their way out of the destroyed, unlivable planet!

Your pathetic «Afghanistans» is one more manifestation of your deep MENTAL-EMOTIONAL-SPIRITUAL DISORDER, brother. Your excuses, your lies, your crimes. Your cruelty and, above all, your state of mind. So deteriorated that you can not even own what you did. Oh NO, don’t blame Presidente Biden, who «did it.» He is just one more actor in your crazy me-god drama! But you do need a scapegoat -so badly!



We live and die as decreed by the mental case of the macho code, which, unfortunately, moulds the human self into its present shape «to his image and resemblance»! No wonder he wants, at all costs, NOT to take a look at the result of his craziness –the crippled self? We don’t know how it works (and much less the ‘emotional self’). Yet, «the Knower» might well be the most interesting fundamental event in the universe!

There is no such a thing as «the history of humanity.» -We are too narcissistically disordered for that! Until recently (historically speaking), women did not even have the right to vote. And many cultures, like the Spanish, do not even have a proper denomination for the self. NO, «el yo» or «yo Mismo»  is just a lousy improvisation lacking adequate meaning! We are as retard as that!


Oh! I would love to see your «face» when you enter the Bardo of the Dead and come face-to-face with the Wrathful Deities!

The only history there is that of the male mind!

«Me = god, does it not?»


Killing at subsonic or sonic speed was not fast enough wasn’t it macho-guy?

Do you know of the soldier that was new with the ultra-advanced machine gun that was horrified when he realized that when he shot an enemy he really cut his body into two pieces, an upper and a lower one?

Have an idea of how Al Capone would call that «victory?»

Or glorious General McArthur? (that President Truman had to fire for being too «generalish»)

AND, what about the replay of the high drama old film «High Noon»  man-to-man-MACHO-TO-MACHO DUEL OVER TAIWAN between the American and Chinese Presidents?  (and all the hyper-macho high drama behind them!) -That can lead all of us to hell! Do you «care» about that or just your macho-manhood: who is the top dog? China or the USA?


Shame on you, brother, for being soo narcissistically self-serving!!

OH, you have lost your sense of shame too?

 Bon voyage pall! You have eliminated the human self, yourself and us, from the picture. Now you are leading us to self-destruction.

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