“Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Russian Women in the Anti-War Movement.”
The Soviet-Russian command always incurred losses, knowing that Russian women would still give birth to more cannon fodder.
Mother, you conceived that child.
God, The Universe? gave you that gift.
But your brother usurped for himself the role of the protagonist of the drama of life. The «history of humanity» is the history of the male mind. NOT YOURS! -With catastrophic consequences.
You brought that child up with love and care. You rejoiced simply looking at his radiant child-face and growing up into a gorgeous man little by little.
Then your macho brother had another psychotic fit and started another war, another slaughter, and called your child to arms for sick reasons of his own, supported by his inner circle of no-less-sick palls, around which lots of money were dispersed, making them “oligarchs” with huge yachts and other delicacies of greedy-unsatiable power.
NO, it does not matter the “nation,” the “culture,” or whatever…He defied God, and it is crazy -all over the planet -from Mr. Trump to Mr. Putin. No exceptions!
If you have any questions, look at this live viewpoint:
The Ukraine War From Russia’s Perspective – YouTube
THAT is his ideology, his religion, what he lives for and dies for. He is GOD -in HIS MIND- living under the narcissistic credo, I repeat:
“Two gods are a crowd. If there is only one it is ME!.” Be it in politics, business, armies, navies, nations, empires, kingdoms…LIFE!
The useless war tumbles on…to no end. It is a slaughter in a foreign country that man-the-‘god’ wants to “liberate” (conquer). Wars and fights alleviate his eternal, concealed depression. He thinks an ‘empire’ would be the ultimate panacea to his inner emptiness!
His ‘states’ -from Russia to America are chaotic because he, ‘the ‘god,’ has no clue about how to give meaning to life. It is all about HIM!
Oh yes, sure, there is a woman by his side. There is always a woman, like you, by his side. Because he can not hold himself comfortably together without you, sister, he gets restless and more depressed without the love and care of a woman by his side while he plays “god” to the world. His closest friends know that. His family knows that. He ‘fears’ that! My guess is that the part of his ‘self’, that functions aching to an information system enters into high levels of entropy, chaos, and disorganization without you.
He ‘pretends’ he is self-sufficient. But he IS NOT! He is still trying to prove to God who is the boss. But he feels ‘empty’ without you!
In business. In life. On the battlefield. Everywhere!
Then you get a call; -it is from the military.
«Your baby was shot in the face!.» Yes, that cherubic face you saw years ago was destroyed by a bullet from your deranged brother to show off his hypermasculinity…
You cry…plenty –if too late!
No more crying: STAND UP, SISTER! Because you are the enabler of that crime by standing by his side and supporting him emotionally! Because, and that is the key to your ‘power’ he is emotionally insufficient without you. He does not feel completely «alive» without you!
You could have stopped it! YES! You would have to have taken some risks because he is sick, very sick! Some of them do not infrequently kill women when they feel ‘rejected’ by them, and some indeed kill the whole family, kids included.
Because their selves without your love-support tend towards collapsing (a very painful, silent experience -of no interest to male-mind psychiatry…) and they take it as “losing” -and they KILL! With gusto -all because of their macho-pride. Like Mr. Putin and many, many others…With proper excuses, of course!
How do you begin to stop him?
Simple, very simple -in principle…but you have to risk out of your almost anonymous role with humanity. You have to risk your privileges like your inordinate need “to have a man” by your side and all the perks and benefits and the miseries that come with it. Like, for instance, those Louis Vuitton purses, apartment jewelry, and status that come with being “the lady of…Mr. X” ‘THE SECURITY” etc., for which you pay so dearly?
Your kids die because you are his enabler!
Just tell him in multiple manners: “You are a bad boy. I no longer love you like that!” (-or equivalent!)
“No-no. No more wars!”
But for that, you have to form a real sisterhood! And stop competing for “that man.” And that is your weak point! You are enormously disloyal to each other and your kids! Because if you are going to use that tool, the “bad boy; I don’t love you like that formulae,” you better stick to each other as you have never done before (exceptions aside).
There is nobody else on this planet that can do it for you!! (and the life and sanity of your generally fatherless kids are at stake! -Because very few men are fit to be a father).
Repeat: You powerless?
Your affection is the golden key to the stability of HIS self. No more -no less. You control his stability!
“Goodbye boy; I will be with my sisters until you are ready to change!”
SISTER: You have, one day, to do that if you want to stop the slaughter of your children. There is nobody else on this planet to do it for you!
YES, he is brilliant (you too if you want) techno scientifically and arguing, but that would only complicate matters more because he lacks self-knowledge – the ship’s rudder! But he can argue that the Ukrainians «wanted to be liberated.»
The key is this: His self is incomplete without yours! And that is an excruciating state of mind! Ask Bill Gates when he lost his wife and mother of his children. He was hitting on ladies of his company in no time, and Microsoft did not like it. Yes, he is brilliant and obscenely wealthy, but, pardon me, an emotional nerd? -he just ‘reasons.’ –even when it is not appropriate!
No, “psychiatrists” will not tell you this! Don’t wait for them. They don’t know yet that they are a SELF!
No, your man will not recognize it -and much less admit it. He lives off his sick-false pride! The macho-self that, by definition, can take anything!! -Hyper-narcissistic men are incapable of ‘owning’ their flaws! «god» has no flaws nor weakness? They are inveterate blamers!
Wrong! His self is extremely vulnerable to the lack of your love, sister! He just hides it!! Don’t let that appearance fool you!
Even tough-as-nails Adolf Hitler needed a female side-kick up to his suicide in the bunker!
He is an ‘emotional coward -sister!’ -You,-you are not! You are much more fluent with your emotions.
You don’t have to suppress your emotional self to be a woman. He has! -to join the macho club… the cooler, the better. «The idea being: «Cool as a Cucumber?”
The butchery has to stop, but not without you putting him in his place!
There would be some casualties! But if you put yourself to it in a strategic, wise manner, say: “jump BAD BOY!” and, to your amazement, the response will be like:
YES, the only thing you have to do is, figuratively speaking, to yank on his umbilical cord -because we all had a Mother!
«I am going to my sisters -until you stop killing my babies.»