Some cultures, because of their arbitrarily chosen, «personalized» (no proof, ethic or evidence-based) beliefs, lack material survival value for their citizens. They cannot provide their basic needs -such as feeding them properly, Medicare, jobs, shelter etc.
Thus, their citizens tend to vote with their feet and emigrate to better, more efficient pastures. But too often want to impose the dysfunctional beliefs –that forced them to migrate in the first place to the host new culture.
A typical case of “eating your cake and having it too?”
Though very understandable since, aside from imposing beliefs, mores and behaviours, cultures are also “prescriptions for being” that support our sense of self. And an unsupported, unstable, high entropy self is our favourite form of psychospiritual crucifixion. Very painful!
Too bad if that sense of selfhood prescribes sexual mutilation, or worse, of women to be practiced in the new country -or dictatorial patriarchal habits, often homicidal, under the disguise of “manhood’s honour”! (like in «crimes of honour.»)
I know, I know, many socialistoids hell-bent in to «legislating goodness» -unable to generate the real thing by conviction– will choke on to what I am saying here…too bad. Time to grow up, kids! instead of trying to legislate us into your ideology of «law-enforced equality.» It does not work other than in your corruptly immature, dictatorial minds! One more form of male-Nazism! from which you purportedly are trying to save us?
NO! carnivorous CAPITALISM, another proven failure of the male -mind system, is not the solution.
Psychospiritual evolution to give purpose to life -IS. But we are centuries away from trying that -because it does not generate the type of «dominating power» men covets -it just generates true equality!
Basically, the already tested -ad nauseam- male-mind-models of forming new selves is an abject failure; -because we are not interested an iota in knowing ourselves -not even in psychiatry, since we risk discovering the corruption of the reigning male-self beginning by that of our politicians! You can become a practicing psychiatrist without knowing an iota about your own self, a monumental charade perpetrated upon our «patients.»
Yes, under the male-aegis, the right -or duty to know about your own self is indeed a «toxic freedom.» WHAT REPRESSIVE REGIMES FEAR THE MOST. The nemesis of these regimes is information. And the self is, among other things an information-seeking organism, thus it is a matter of time before these regimes crumble from the inside. Because the alternative is for their selves to keep accumulating entropy. A very uncomfortable proposition for their citizens! Eventually, -they have to come up with a different «ism.»