In a recent CounterPunch, I read:
«China and Russia are not our enemies.»
As Pogo famously said (but no man listened). (Quoting from memory) :
«We found the enemy, and it is us.»
IOh! You mean me, man, Are you insulting His Majesty? His Ineffable Royalty who has never-ever been wrong? Who has to arm himself to the teeth at the cost of billions and billions of dollars that should have gone to food, medicines, and our children’s care?
Who has robed, assaulted, pillaged, bombed, raped, decapitated, crucified to save his Majestic Honor?
Me? Who has slaughtered millions of human beings in his psychotic enterprises (like wars?)
Who has valiantly, heroically defended himself from the «other» Homo Sapiens in thousands of unending battles?
Who has had the inmense intelligence-wisdom to create atomic weapons to defend himself from my perennial enemy the «Other» Homo Sapiens?
Well, brother, yes! You! The one that is not even aware that YOU AND THE SOCIETIES («CULTURES? )YOU CREATED ARE REACHING PSYCHOTIC LEVELS OF MIND generating unutterable levels of suffering in men, women, children and our companion animals -while destroying our habitats. All while you cultivate hyper-grandiose dreams (nightmares ?) of moving to another planet once, out of greed for «power» we finish converting this beautiful one in to your personal garbage can? –
All to plant yet another medal of techno-scientific achievement -on your bemedaled chest?
Oh, do you ever enjoy playing God, brother! Whatever blood and suffering you bring with your stunted emotional and spiritual development?. From that of an illegally «sane» President of the USA to a past gonorrheic «god-Great Helmsman» of China!
All insane enough to be unable to «heel and heal.» At any cost!
Utterly Incapable of renouncing your addiction to self-glorification as Humanity’s barbaric god’s, with a DNA matching that of the Bonobo (Pigmee Chimpanzee) in the high nineties percentile! (98.8%) -who knows better who he is and his place on earth than you do, Your Majesty?
-Sister, can you make him «cease and desist?»
-Or, are we «done»?
«Cooked to the bone?.»
Or you sister, you too, aspire to be the next «goddess» of the limited universe in which we live? Because as a mother and politician, you also often betray your species as much as he does!