JANUARY 22, 2021
Roaming Charges: New Days, Old Ways
“Totalitarian solutions may well survive the fall of totalitarian regimes in the form of strong temptations which will come up whenever it seems impossible to alleviate political, social, or economic misery in a manner worthy of man.”
– Hannah Arendt
A mind that, by word or act, thinks of himself as god-like is a sick narcissistic-totalitarian mind by nature!
We are facing here a sickness totally new for mind kind: A sickness based upon the transmission of an “informational virus” which infects the human self since its Separation from the mind of the Divinity, not curable by vaccines or antibiotics or drugs of any kind since it is an “informational disease.” -a meta-error of the human «self» based, I repeat, in this simple premise:
«Two gods is a crowd; if there is only one god it is ME.»
And that is the Meta-Error of the mind, the one upon which all the rest are based. All neurotic thinking tormenting humanity, leading to wars etc stems from that basic erroneous premise. Eliminate it; as accomplished mystics do, and all the rest cease to exist! because you enter into the original, Enlightened state of the errorless mind, where to put it the Hindu Way Atman, the human self = Brahman, the Divine Self.
The Separation was a flop. God never went very far away from us. There are places, people, that can make you feel closer or further away. But drop the delusion-ignorance that you need someone or something extraordinary to experience the presence of God. You are His dwelling, He or She has nowhere else to go! Yes, accept guides, NO, do not accept «mediators.»
The human self as it is since the Separation, IS the major non-organic element of our being, with major organic consequences for the rest of the organism. Yet, the one about which, by design, we know the least. in this form of life we have a theatre (the Planet Earth) a «script»-call it «life» -or our karma and an actor a «me» a «self» called Joaquin, Maria, Arthur etc.
But all the way, our mind never ceased to be linked as part of the Divinity’s
The self is far from being an autonomous entity as macho-male-mind thinking would like – at a terrible suffering cost to humanity. Dictatorships, of any kind, is the “deification of a few at the cost of the demonization-debasing of many.” No recommendable receipt to attain the peace of mind we so badly need and crave. Incarnations are SO costly! Given the sheer size of the error in our minds, it is very naive to think that God would permit us to indulge in the losing proposition of having to risk to make it in ONE body!
Male-mind self-deification has been with us from day one, much harder to approach and treat than any other disease we faced in our bodies, and it is pandemic. A “disease” that cannot be overcome-treated without legitimate psychospiritual means that collide with the narcissistic “god-status” view of reality generated by the Separation.
It is a piece of viral information based on the erroneous premise that we are powerful enough to overthrow the Deity from its throne.
Therefore, our selves are imprinted with false information against their own nature at their core, creating what in communication is called “a synchronic conflict.” Two competitive, opposite pieces of information in a deadly competition vividly portrayed and actualized in this brief piece of fictitious dialogue:
Man-the-god: “I cannot lose because I am god!”
-His followers: “Right on! We were cheated!”
“Therefore, we are justified to use whatever means; violence included, to right this wrong.”
Male-mind thinking unavoidably pulls towards totalitarianism, be it of the Right (Nazism) or the left (Communism).-The rest are rationalizations to achieve its sick-erroneous goals created at the Separation. The problem humanity faces, at its core, is psychospiritual. Not “socio-cultural-politico-logistic” -in which the human sickness plays itself out.
How do we tell that to Myanmar’s generals-god? Without offending their supersize macho-egos upon which their distorted selves rest? to give up their macho thing and let the people run the country?
With reason:
Tried; it does not work
With bayonets?
Tried; it does not work!
Be patient, it will self-extinguish! -though, maybe by another coup, and another and another. A matter of time. None ever lasted! It is an out of equilibrium, restless mind.
Have we seen this before?
Oh yes, we did
Would we see it again?
Oh yes! We will!
Until when?
-Until we learn to generate non-god healthy male and female selves! Until we undo the Separation.
Take your time, women will keep delivering children, and we will keep killing them in one way or another for a long time to come. -or chocking their souls with rules and regulations, trying to «regulate-legislate goodness.»
Men have to heel (descend from the pseudo-god throne) and heal (eat humble pie in tears) -before anything substantial in humanity changes. But it has to change ad it will change because the human mind is, among other things a peace-seeking mechanism.
What are we missing in the meanwhile?
Closeness to God, the source of all love.
The last time I tasted it was in a hermitic monastery in the High Colorado Dessert, at the feet of the Rockies, which I frequented for many years. I was feeling deep anguish, the anguish of being an incomplete being. In the middle of the dessert, I turned my sight towards the mountains and in tears simply asked: «Do you love me Father?» and repeated it a few times. Then, I «knew» that something extraordinary for me was about to happen. And from the corner of my left eye, I saw numerous «bales of hay», rolling down the left mountain. I «knew» (in that «different» way of non-linear knowing) that this wave of bales was going to «hit» me. And as it did, I felt a surge of happiness and completeness as well as pure joy at being human. Felt love and peace all over me.
So much that I felt it was too much and I was going to get sick. So, I stopped at the hermitage of a friend -a german neuropsychiatrist, another retreatant, just to talk. I knew that at the psychophysiological level I was pouring serotonin and other neurotransmitters-«feel-good» chemicals, triggered by the information my brain was processing. But I had worked hard all my life for that experience! To try and replicate it just injecting the chemicals would be senseless.
When I arrived home to British Columbia I was given the news that there had been a heavy professional complaint against me by a very sick patient. I took a look and responded: «I can answer all that!» Yes, I did and was absolved from all charges, but it took a year of my life -and it would not be the last one. I had pioneered nurturing and the use of ketamine Hydrochloride IM in experimental psychotherapy and the dowdy, angry ladies who had taken over the College did not like it at all. They had a totalitarian amount of power and a big chip on the shoulder with respect to men in general. They were plain angry.
MEN=GOD is a completely unattainable proposition that will collapse by itself because it is contra nature in principle and in practice. It is a matter of time and «how much more blood-shedding and suffering do we can still endure.
God help us! It has been enough of farce, blood, tears denial and destruction brother.
Time to enjoy your magnificent accomplishments in technoscientific fields in PEACE?